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The Current Storyline
April, Brooke and Cindy are headed back to the barn, and Cindy runs into Birdy.

The Series Background
Faux Pas (pronounced American-fashion, "fox paws") is the story of Randy and his animal friends, most of whom were trained to be studio animal actors - the animals you see in movies, commercials and in live stage shows. Most of them are now retired, officially or through lack of opportunity, and eke out an existence as best they can while avoiding being hunted, eaten or sold. The main setting for the series is Green Mountain Studio Animals (GMSA), a run-down farm in the Colorado Rockies. They fully realize that they exist at the whim of their human owners, but Randy's new owners are content to let him and his friends live pretty much as they please.

Tossed into the mix are a herd of housecats who think of Randy as their personal cat toy. Chief among the cats is Kira, who tries to help Randy when she can just to keep him from being so predictable. Also prominent in Randy's life is Cindy, a wilderness vixen who finds him charming and attractive, if confusing.

The action mostly takes place at or near GMSA. Other settings include the surrounding mountain woodlands where their wild animal friends live; the nearby zoo, known as St. Mia Hatz; and the occasional trip to remote locations where one or another of the crew might actually get some work. Randy's adventures occasionally take him far afield, but he always manages to find his way back.

Randy and company first appeared in spot illos and panel gags in the late 70's in Boulder, Colorado, and they've been sneaking into print in quiet ways ever since. The strips and associated artwork have appeared in newspapers, Randy & Cindy newsletters, fanzines, comic books, APAs, art shows and other unlikely places, but the entire collection has never been displayed until now. After numerous requests from those who had seen some of the strips and others who had heard of them, Faux Pas was unleashed on the world in 2001 with updated art reflecting our current abilities. (Many of the strips are old enough to vote, and our art is much better now than what we might have done back then.)

"Faux Pas" - a social blunder brought about by miscommunication - accurately describes the tone of the series in its many forms: Randy working to hold things together in a world ruled by Murphy's Law.